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Reasons to invest in your branding

When you set up a new business there can be a lot of startup costs that you need to prioritise carefully. Remember you will need to get the business off the ground before you run out of cash.

You need to think about which expenditures are going to have a direct impact on customer connection.

If you are doubtful that brand graphics will bring you a healthy return on your investment then read on for my top five reasons why you should be investing heavily in this area from the word go!

First impressions are everything for a successful brand

Have you ever seen a company and then failed to recall its name so then you move on or forget about it. Have you ever picked up a bottle of shower gel in the supermarket and been prepared to pay a higher price because it looked prettier? The copy promised you exactly the kind of feeling you were looking for when using it and the packaging clearly gave you all the information you needed to check it was toxin free or sustainably sourced? Your clients are intelligent people who can see through a lot of marketing hype but gentle persuasion through beautiful and intelligent design, giving them the perception that they are buying into a better lifestyle can lift sales in a way no other marketing tool can.

5 reasons to justify investment in professional graphic design

1 – Professionally designed graphics will increase the value of your company which means you can justify more upmarket prices.

2 – When everything about your business is professionally and consistently presented you will gain the confidence and trust of your customers. Which will also encourage long term customer loyalty and recommendations.

3 – Well thought out graphics will communicate your message and values with impact and clarity. Potential clients need to know instantly who you are, what you offer and why they should choose you. Captivating graphics will help you to stand out making it easy for the customer to choose you.

4 – Compelling graphics will make meaningful connections with your intended audience. It is important that you create a lifestyle your customers feel good buying into. People are also easier to sell too if they are being entertained whilst you are informing/selling to them.

5 – If you look and sound like the expert in your field people will naturally be drawn to you.

So please don’t be frugal when it comes to your brand design. If you want to give your business the best chance of success but are working to a tight budget then start off with a few basics like a logo and tagline. It’s always quality over quantity whatever you put out there. Make sure your visuals are a true reflection of you and your business story, it’s the only way your customer will understand why they should connect with you. If you don’t feel proud putting it out there then chances are your customers will feel the same and look for something more aspirational.

Your brand style will always override any content as emotions always win over intellect. Dale Carnegie said over 100 years ago: “When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.” This is why brand image is so important to the success or failure of every business.

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